Case Study for Job Saver App

Main image
ROLE :  For this ux design project my role is Empathize, Define, Ideate, Prototype and Test

Project Vision

A Digital Notebook for save job related  details from various job portals on a same location so user can access it later easily


Busy job applicants who wants to save all job related documents on same  place So it is easy for them to access it later as documents save on same location


  • Convert saved job to apply job from both job list screen and detail view screen
  • Collecting and Organizing data for saving jobs by following design principle and visual hierarchy
  •  Add calendar view and reminder functionality in job input screen with limited screen real estate


  • I conduct moderated usability study by interviewing my friend with questions, based on the interview I collected insights and create persona, define user problem by empathizing and creating user journey map, Than I define problem statement and compare with the competitors vision, I come up with my own design direction and flow
Research questions
  • What is the product and who is it for?
  • What do our primary user need most?
  • How is the main user flow fulfilling user needs?


Persona 1 imagePersona 2 image

Competitive Audit

I looked at several potential competing note saving and job portal, and some are direct competitors with my product. My design has Clear focus on saving jobs rather than usual note saving product

Most of the features are work same like competitors but the main difference I notice are following

  • Easily Enter Data vs difficulties in  defining each field
  • To many screen vs simplified interactions
  • Multiple use of colors vs minimalistic design
  • Our specialization in product vs competitor specialty
combative audit

Initial Design Concepts

I conducted a user flow of what a basic start to finish journey looks like while reserving a table. This helps me in understanding ways user can interact with the product, as well as allowing me to see navigation through user goals


Paper wireframe

Paper wireframe image 1Paper wireframe image 1Paper wireframe image 3


digital wireframe image 1digital wireframe image 2digital wireframe image 3

User Testing details

On the result  of usability study and Interview  conducted, I found that All User Needs to Input and View  their assets like resume and cover latter.

To accomplished this functionality on limited screen real estate, I use Clip App component (pop up appears from bottom mobile screen) so users can upload assets directly with the use of thumb without loosing the focus of work by going back and forth from one screen to other screen.

mockup image onebrowse from systemmockup home one

Challenge 1

Add calendar view and reminder functionality in job input screen with limited screen real estate

User need to set job alert when apply date is near. For greater user experience I need to set reminder in same screen with limited screen real estate, side by side with input job filed. For this functionality to achieve, I need to set a chip button when user click on button popup appears with calendar and toggle button for setting on and off reminder.

mockup screen twomockup screen three

Challenge 2

Collecting and Organizing data for saving jobs by following design principle of Apple called Human Interface Guideline.
And IOS 15 UI design kit
Component library

Challenge 3

Convert saved job to apply job from both job list screen and detail view screen

All data save to saved option by default. To covert save to applied, On job list screen I achieve this functionality by clicking on three doted menu on overview card and select option  Add To Applied. On details view screen right to website view button there is option for saving job to saved or applied.

mockup screen fourmockup screen five

Mobile Prototype

signup screen mockupSign in screen mockupsearch screen mockupinput data screen mockupdetail view mockup screensave list mockup


This project is part of Design for social good and the project is chosen by sharpen design challenge.

In this project I've learned how to iterate on user feedback
based on usability study.

This project is still in progress and I am going to add features like import job details from other job portals, which need more usability studies and iterating on design.

Also check out figma Mobile Prototype